Ted Cruz Believes Atheists Should Not Be President

Ted Cruz joined a whacko religious right event and proclaimed that if you're bending your knee in fear of God, you're not worthy of being president.

Appearing at the "National Religious Liberties Conference" in Iowa a few days ago, Ted Cruz declared his blind devotion to the most extreme religious leaders in America and boasted that if a president doesn't bend his knee in fear of God when he wakes up, then he's not fit to be commander in chief.

I'm not an atheist, but I find the introduction by Kevin Swanson, an extremist of the highest order, disgusting and the answer by Ted Cruz just as insulting.

Ted Cruz was the third Republican presidential candidate to appear at the "National Religious Liberties Conference" in Iowa yesterday, an event organized by extremist right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson, who earlier in the program proclaimed that, according to the Bible, "the sin of homosexuality ... is worthy of death."

Swanson introduced Cruz by stating that Jesus Christ "is king of the President of the United States whether he will admit it or not and that president should submit to His rule and to His law" before asking Cruz to share his opinion on how important it is for "the President of the United States to fear God."

Cruz, predictably, asserted that fear of God is absolutely vital, declaring that "any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this nation."

I love when these Republican constitutional experts forget that there can never be a religious test for candidates, but heck, it's only the constitution, right?

By the way, Kevin Swanson is one sick puppy: Kevin Swanson claims 'Professor Dumbledore was a homosexual mentor to Harry Potter'

Vox has all the polling data on atheists and America.

Americans hold relatively negative views toward atheists compared with other groups, but Gallup found in June that 58 percent would be willing to vote for an atheist for president. Only socialists placed below atheists, with all other groups — including Muslims and gay people

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