White Supremacists Offer Black People Manhattan

Ethnic separation by state! What an idea.

After nearly seven years of Barack Obama's presidency, white supremacists have decided the time has come for them to stand up for the rights of oppressed white folks everywhere.

What's a white supremacist to do? Well, first you hold a conference at the National Press Club and pretend you're just like the gay rights movement. That's what designated hate group National Policy Institute and Richard Spencer did.

Although the Southern Poverty Law Center has identified the NPI as a white supremacist organization, members prefer to think of themselves as “radicals” setting in motion a white rights movement.

“There’s something radical about actually being public and talking about these views seriously,” said NPI President Richard Spencer. “There’s a tendency in our movement to embrace the fringe, ‘we want to be alienated from society, we want not to be taken seriously.’ We’re trying to make this a sensible position that all white people need to think about.”

Oh yes, of course. A sensible position all white people should consider, because somehow white people have the right to look down on everyone else and trumpet their superiority.

Touching on topics including, “The Origins of the White Man,” “The Tragedy of Southern Identity” and “Why We Will Win,” conference attendees likened themselves to gay rights pioneers and Jews who fought for a Jewish state.

“You can’t get away from this general tendency to delegitimize the white man,” Spencer explained. “We totally recognize the fact that our views are considered beyond the pale, or awful — but we’ve got to start this way. The gay movement had to start at some point, Zionism had to start in the 19th century when that was considered a ridiculous, terrible notion.”

Among the suggestions made by the speakers was repopulating states along racial lines.

Attorney Sam Dickinson suggested that “blacks could be given Manhattan,” as well as Massachusetts, while whites would take possession of states like Iowa.

“White people, as we’ve become a minority, will not be able to live in a state of severe repression and discrimination,” he explained. “Our ethno-state will not be a meeting of the Tea Party; it’s not going to be the Southern Baptist Convention. It’s going to be a genuine ethno-state with Christians, Catholics, alcoholics, tee-totallers, gay people. It’s not going to be a subset of the right.”

Well, while we're at it, maybe we could send all the certifiably insane and evil ethnic cleansers to Texas, fence it in after we rescue the good people who still live there, and call it CaucasiaStan.

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