Bernie Kerik Tells CNN San Bernardino Attacks Could Be The Work Of Sleeper Agents

Aren't we living through enough lunacy with the 2016 presidential primaries in full swing? Does the disgraced Bernie Kerik need to be given a platform to spew fear and conspiracy theories on TV?

Bernie Kerik, the former NYC police commissioner who left his career in shame because he was convicted on eight felony counts of corruption, joined Don Lemon on CNN and, without knowing any real facts about the San Bernardino shooting, actually had the nerve to float the idea that not only is the attack terrorism, but that the perpetrators were sleeper agents that activated. WTF, CNN?

Kerik: The mere fact that the FBI has just about taken over this thing, that leads me to believe terrorism as well.

I'm going towards terrorism. I think this could have been -- and I said this earlier, this could have been a sleeper that went operational, after maybe somebody had a problem or maybe this was the whole setup. because they were in and out. Got out of there, got completely out of the area without being tagged.

Stoking fear in America is what former Bush employees are really great at -- especially when it comes to terrorism, because so many of them are making a fortune off of the security state. With his background, Kerik should never, ever be asked to go on TV for any news network.

He has no credibility whatsoever and on the night of this horrific attack, should never have have been given airtime to spread Alex Jones type conspiracy theories.

We have plenty of GOP presidential candidates doing that right now.

CNN should be ashamed!

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