Iowa Congressional Candidate Supports Executing Immigrants In Certain Cases

State Rep. Mark Chelgren is running against a Republican who isn't extreme enough.

As if we don't already have enough nuts from Iowa in Congress, here comes Mark Chelgren, not-quite-a-doctor who is running for the United States House of Representatives. He's challenging another Republican who isn't extreme enough for his liking.

I don't know about you, but I'm kind of glad he opted out of the medical profession. Still, politics isn't really where I'd like him to be either, especially with this kind of idea:

For border security, Chelgren believes a fence would define the border and control who enters and leaves. If one is found to have crossed into the country illegally, committed a felony while here, then been deported, he supports executing that individual if they break America's immigration laws a second time.

“There is no reason to have felons here who threaten our way of life,” Chelgren said. He has complete respect for immigrants who follow the law and come to America to assimilate and build a better life.

Speaking strictly for me, I'm far more leery of the felons -- convicted and not -- here in the United States who are armed, dangerous, and hateful. If that's the "way of life" Chelgren seeks to preserve, I'm just fine giving that part up entirely.

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