John Bolton Claims Obama Threatens Our National Security

Not enough war for Bolton's liking?

Neocon John Bolton doesn't think President Obama has had enough wars to guarantee our (AHEM) national security. He showed up at Frank Gaffney's Nevada Security Action Summit to share some Islamophobia and warmongering with the crowd, while trashing the Black guy in the White House.

“The fact is, Barack Obama does not view American national security as one of his priorities,” Bolton said. “It gets in the way of what his real priority is, and he told us very candidly in the 2008 election, it was to fundamentally transform the country. And national security just distracts from that.”

He told the crowd that Obama’s supposed indifference to national security shows that it must be the first priority for electing a next president.

“And I think that you can see the risks that we’ve undertaken over the last seven and soon to be eight years by electing somebody who’s utterly unqualified to think through foreign policy issues, who simply doesn’t care about them,” he said. “The net effect of Barack Obama’s presidency will show that the biggest threat to national security we have is sitting in the Oval Office, because he’s indifferent to national security.”

Lots of dog whistles there. "Utterly unqualified" is the secret code for stupid. "Indifferent to national security" is the secret code for Kenyan Usurper.

John Bolton is a warmongering nut who shouldn't be in the public eye at all, much less pretending to be a foreign policy expert.

Here he is in 2013, calling for Israel to bomb Iran. I think he's bitter, don't you?

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