Judge Napolitano: Bret Baier 'Impeached' Ted Cruz's 'Credibility'

Ted Cruz had his integrity impeached on Fox News.

Senator Ted Cruz really got lit up during Bret Baier's interview with him on Tuesday, which exposed him as a flip flopper on immigration and opened him up to the kind of attacks Marco Rubio is facing, as the amnesty in chief presidential candidate.

Napolitano: You performed a classic cross examination on one of the finest debaters in America, Senator Cruz, and he really couldn't answer your question because you impeached his credibility.

When the judge calls a Republican a liar on Fox News, that's kind of big, even for tea party darling, Ted Cruz.

What was Cruz' response to his debacle on Fox News?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is air­ing a new TV ad in Iowa about his op­pos­i­tion to am­nesty. In the spot, Cruz slams Pres­id­ent Obama’s im­mig­ra­tion plan, claim­ing “it would have giv­en Obama the au­thor­ity to ad­mit Syr­i­an refugees, in­clud­ing IS­IS ter­ror­ists.”

Cruz also “rat­cheted up his at­tack on” Sen. Marco Ru­bio (R-FL) “on Thursday by in­sinu­at­ing that … Ru­bio had broken his prom­ise to voters who elec­ted him to fight ‘am­nesty’ for un­doc­u­mented im­mig­rants.” Cruz is “al­lud­ing to … Ru­bio’s spon­sor­ship of a 2013 bill that would have giv­en people in the coun­try il­leg­ally a path­way to cit­izen­ship.”

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