Mike Huckabee Attacks Ted Cruz For Flip Flopping On Gay Marriage In Private

Mike Huckabee called out Ted Cruz for changing his position on gay marriage depending on what state he's in.

It appears Sen. Ted Cruz isn't the authentic anti-gay, Christian warrior he leads everyone to believe.

In June, Ted Cruz promised on NPR that opposition to gay marriage would be “front and center” in his 2016 campaign.

In July, he said the Supreme Court’s decision allowing same-sex marriage was the “very definition of tyranny” and urged states to ignore the ruling.

But in December, behind closed doors at a big-dollar Manhattan fundraiser, the quickly ascending presidential candidate assured a Republican gay-rights supporter that a Cruz administration would not make fighting same-sex marriage a top priority.

Mike Huckabee, who's still running for president if you've forgotten, went after Cruz' "behind closed doors change of heart," on Twitter today:

You can see how Ted Cruz is coldly calculating how he can win the nomination and on this issue, a man like Huckabee will never cave in.

This new report from Politico gives Donald Trump a lot of ammunition to go after the Texas Senator with, unless of course AM talk radio denies his request.

(h/t Mediaite)

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