Tom Ridge: Trump Is 'An Embarrassment To The Country'

Former head of Homeland Security Tom Ridge (R) said he could never support an embarrassment like Donald Trump for president.

Former Governor and the first Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, told Chuck Todd today that he could never support Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee. Ridge is a Jeb Bush fan, but many Republicans have refrained from saying publicly that they wouldn't support Trump if he got the nomination.

Todd: Let me start with this,. Are you going to be able to support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee? Where are you?

Ridge: Maybe the shortest answer during our conversation, the answer is no.

Todd: So you will not support him if he is the nominee?

Ridge: Not a chance, I think he's an embarrassment to the party, I think he's an embarrassment to the country.

He belittles, demeans and ridicules people that disagree with him. And I've never thought that loud, obnoxious and simpleminded solutions to really complex problems are the kind of qualities we want in a president.

Tell us how you really feel!

Many establishment politicians are starting to speak out against Donald after his latest bashing of Muslim immigrants and it does appear to be a coordinated effort against "The New Furor."

Since the GOP was so crazed to get all the candidates to sign pledges at the beginning of the primaries to support the eventual nominee, I wonder if Trump will threaten an Independent run again and really mean it.

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