Trump's Vile Sexist Rant Against Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump is your crazy sexist, racist ugly uncle on steroids.
Disclaimer: I realize at this point that when Donald Trump says a thing, he's channeling the ugly underbelly-ish id of white American males everywhere, but this particular thing is still vile enough that I felt the need to nutpunch him verbally.
Here's that thing that Trump said that is just beyond today's pale:
At one point, Trump told the Grand Rapids crowd that Clinton got “schlonged” by President Obama during their 2008 Democratic primary race.
“Even her race to Obama. She was going to beat Obama. I don’t know who’d be worse. I don’t know. How does it get worse? She was favored to win and she got schlonged. She lost. She lost,” Trump said.
“Schlong” is a well-known reference to a man’s genitals. There are no alternative definitions for the word, according to Merriam-Webster.
Man, talk about archetypes there. Trump just reached into the dark fantasy world of white uneducated, classless men and tickled their libido with that one.
This, along with the crap he tosses at Carly Fiorina (who I certainly don't wish to defend), is the same kind of behavior you expect from the lech in the office who stands at the coffee pot waiting to grab ass as a woman walks by.
It's the same guy that keeps women down in the workplace by reminding them of what their place is in the hierarchy while telling them they're arrogant to expect equal treatment or pay.
It's the guy who asks for a little feel before he recommends you for a promotion.
That's who Donald Trump is. He's a filthy, nasty sexist pig who deserves a knee in the nuts before he gets a bump in the polls.
There. I feel better now.