Ammon Bundy Compares Himself To Rosa Parks : Correction!

In a deluded tweet, Ammon Bundy compared his actions to those of Rosa Parks.

*****The Twitter account is being called a fake so I'm pulling it off the front page.

The insanity of the Cliven Bundy family has been well documented from their first run in with the feds, along with their racist views on African Americans, but Ammon Bundy is comparing his hostile takeover of a federal building to the plight of Rosa Parks, I kid you not.


This is as sick a comparison as we've seen by these domestic terrorists. I won't dignify a comparison of the two at all.

However, I will say that if the OathKeepers don't have your back, as a militia man, you've got nothing.

With Ammon are two of his brothers, and what can be described as a group of unthinking hotheads. Also with them is a man many suspect, (including myself), of being an agent provocateur, Ryan Payne.Oath Keepers, Mike Vanderboegh (of the Three Percenters), and other groups are condemning this action by Ammon and his cohorts. Why? Because it serves no purpose that benefits the Liberty Movement. On the contrary, it harms the Movement. Ammon’s group has become the aggressors, and, by doing so, loses the moral high ground.

As Salon noted, Twitter lit up after Ammon's egregious Rosa Parks tweet.

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