Ammon Bundy Hates Government Unless It Gives Him Money

It's always remarkable to see the hypocrisy behind the man.

Ammon Bundy Hates Government Unless It Gives Him Money

These right wingers are so ridiculous about their hatred for government. This is Ammon Bundy in a nutshell: Bundy hates government when they stand in the way of what he wants to do, and he loves government when they pave the way for what he wants to do.

Mother Jones:

Ammon Bundy runs a Phoenix-based company called Valet Fleet Services LLC, which specializes in repairing and maintaining fleets of semitrucks throughout Arizona. On April 15, 2010—Tax Day, as it happens—Bundy's business borrowed $530,000 through a Small Business Administration loan guarantee program. The available public record does not indicate what the loan was used for or whether it was repaid. The SBA website notes that this loan guarantee was issued under a program "to aid small businesses which are unable to obtain financing in the private credit marketplace." The government estimated that this subsidy could cost taxpayers $22,419. Bundy did not respond to an email request for comment about the SBA loan.

So there you go. Ammon Bundy is unafraid to take from the government while he stands up there and complains about obeying the laws of that very same government.

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