Bernie Sanders Rips Andrea Mitchell For Her Stupid Bill Clinton Question
During the Democratic debate, Senator Sanders answered a stupid question with an earnest answer.
You know what? It's about time a candidate ripped a moderator for asking a really, really stupid question, instead of giving back a canned answer.
I don't really think I need to add much commentary beyond saying how outrageous I think it is that debate moderators think they need to ask Bernie Sanders how he feels about Bill Clinton's behavior back in the 90s.
Here's the transcript, via Washington Post:
MITCHELL: Senator Sanders, let me ask you a question. You called Bill Clinton's past transgressions, quote, "totally, totally, totally disgraceful and unacceptable." Senator, do you regret saying that?
SANDERS: I was asked a question. You know, one of the things, Andrea, and I -- that question annoys me. I cannot walk down the street -- Secretary Clinton knows this -- without being told how much I have to attack secretary Clinton, want to get me on the front pages of the paper, I'd make some vicious attack.
I have avoided doing that. Trying to run an issue-oriented campaign.
SANDERS: I was asked a question.
MITCHELL: You didn't have to answer it that way, though. Why did you?
SANDERS: Well -- then if I don't answer it, then there's another front page, so it's yes (ph).
And I mean this seriously. You know that. We've been through this. Yes, his behavior was deplorable. Have I ever once said a word about that issue? No, I have not. I'm going to debate Secretary Clinton, Governor O'Malley, on the issues facing the American people, not Bill Clinton's personal behavior.