Charles Krauthammer Gives Obama 'A Pass' If North Korea Tested H-Bomb

Charles Krauthammer, surprisingly didn't blame President Obama for "allowing" North Korea to possibly test their nukes.

Many on Fox News and in the conservative media were attacking Obama after reports surfaced that North Korea may have tested an H-bomb. You know the drill by now, it's his fault because he's a feckless leader, yada, yada, yada. But during Special Report's All Star panel, Charles Krauthammer actually blamed China for falling down on the job and gave the president a pass.

Krauthammer:...the main culprit here is China and I would give Obama a pass on this. I don't think there's anything that he could have done - that would have been different from what his predecessors would have done. In fact, I would argue that the Clinton and Bush administrations made things worse.

Even though many experts do not believe that a nuke test occurred, it didn't stop the GOP presidential candidates from chiming right in.

“If this test is confirmed, it will be just the latest example of the failed Obama-Clinton foreign policy. Our enemies around the world are taking advantage of Obama’s weakness,” he said in a statement late on Tuesday. Rubio later called out former president Bill Clinton for considering giving speeches in North Korea.

Sen. Ted Cruz also linked the alleged test to the former president Clinton, suggesting that North Korea’s nuclear capabilities may have been buttressed by his former policy negotiator Wendy Sherman, who also played a role brokering Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush piled on, claiming that North Korea’s apparent aggressive tactics are an “example of a withdrawn America in the world.”

And Carly Fiorina added in a Facebook post: “North Korea is yet another Hillary Clinton foreign policy failure.”

It's amazing how quickly Republicans try to blot out the memory of George Bush's presidency.

By the way, W., is chiefly responsible for letting N Korea to get nukes.

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