Chris Christie Changed Position On Assault Weapon Ban Because Criminals Wouldn't Listen

Howard Kurtz' question about Chris Christie's gun control flip flops clearly exposed him as being a liar.

Gov. Chris Christie joined Howard Kurtz on his Fox News program MediaBuzz, and asked the NJ Governor about his recent flip flopping on many issues including his gun control positions.

When Christie tried to say that he changed his positions over time when it came to supporting the assault weapons ban, Kurtz pointed out that he still felt this way in 2009 , which elicited a very troubling response from the governor.

Kurtz: New Jersey Star Ledger quotes you as saying on the issue of keeping the state's assault weapon ban. This is the issue that energized me to get into the race and in today's society, nobody needs a semi-automatic weapon. Now you saying, your experience as a federal prosecutor changed your view?

Christie: Yea, absolutely. That;'s a quote from 23 years ago and I hope over time as you have more experience in your life, you learn more. That you allow your mind to be open to change. And mine has been. And so I have changed my view from when I was twenty nine years old.

Kurtz: But when you ran for governor in 2009, against Jon Corzine, you said "then" you still supported the state's assault ban, that's still a half dozen years ago, so help me understand why you have changed.

Christie: Because over time what I've learned in my state that a lot of these laws aren't doing anything to make people safer. And that the criminals that I dealt with as a US attorney and I continue to deal with as governor don't abide by any of these laws or rules and so from my perspective, first of all the assault weapon is misnamed and a misnomer, but nine the less, I've changed over time...

Christie actually said that since criminals wouldn't abide by an assault weapon ban, it's a waste of time? He actually said that?

A criminal is a criminal because they don't follow the laws, Chris. The laws and penalties are there to further protect citizens and are meant to exact punishment against those when they they are broken.

Gov. Christie is obviously lying about why he changed his gun control positions and it forced him into saying things that no former prosecutor would ever say.
Christie is no straight shooter or honest broker of the truth that he claims to be.

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