Chris Christie Tries To Capitalize On Cruz' 'New York Values' Smear

Chris Christie hopes to gain some mileage out of attacking Ted Cruz for attacking the values of New Yorkers.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joined those who are berating Senator Ted Cruz' inane attacks on the values of New Yorkers. It's sad for a politician to use a criticism from a leading candidate against a state that he wasn't born or never held office in, to chime in for his own advantage. He's unsuccessfully not been able to break through the upper echelon of GOP candidates running for the 2016 GOP nomination, so his trying to letch on to anything he can.


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is none too pleased with rival Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s criticism of “New York values.”

In an interview with TIME in Iowa Sunday, Christie issued a sharp rebuttal to Cruz, who recently characterized “the values in New York City” as “socially liberal and pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.” Christie called Cruz’s language divisive and insulting to the people of New York and of his own state across the Hudson River, before mocking Cruz for taking money from the very people whose views he was disparaging.

“I think it was a very, very ill-advised thing for Ted to say,” Christie said. “You want to be President of the United States, you have to unite this country. And for him to somehow be implying that certain values are more appropriate, more American, depending upon what region of the country you’re from, is to me just asinine.”

Christie called Cruz “the most inside guy in this race,” despited Cruz’s frequent claims to be an outsider seeking to reform the party. “I think Ted once again is trying to be Mr. Ivy League cute,” he charged. “He’s Harvard and Princeton, he’s federal court clerkships, he’s government jobs, and somehow he’s an outsider? If you took his name off and you put that résumé down, that would look like the consummate Washington insider.”

Governor, you are no New Yorker.

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