DNC Chair Offers Host Of Excuses For Lame Debate Schedule

Debbie Wasserman Schultz had lots of fluff, but no substance.

There is a Democratic debate tonight, folks. On a Sunday. On a three-day weekend. After a full day of NFL playoff games. And DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is doing her level best to defend that ridiculous schedule, but it's a dawg that won't hunt.

Appearing on CNN's Reliable Sources, Wasserman Schultz ducked the question of whether they might add more debates to the schedule and instead talked about what a train wreck the Republicans are.

Sure, the Republican debates are that wreck you can't look away from, but that isn't any excuse for burying the Democratic debates in places where no one will bother to look. Is it any wonder the campaigns are shaking their fists at each other and making noise for some snippets of attention so they can remind everyone that yes, they will be debating tonight?

Sorry, Debbie, but every excuse you're giving here is lame, especially the one about why there isn't another debate until after Iowa and New Hampshire.

There is absolutely no reason on the planet why these debates should be buried. Hillary Clinton is an excellent debater who can hold her own against the field. The same is true for Bernie Sanders. Martin O'Malley gets a "B" from me for his debate style, but he's still competent.

Voters deserve to see these candidates debate and hear what their policy ideas are. Whatever excuse Wasserman Schultz has for this, it's inexcusable.

On a personal level, it means our weekend crew has to do double duty. The marvelous video wonder Heather will have put in the equivalent of two days' work by the time we're done tonight. So come on over, visit our open thread, and watch the candidates have at it!

At least you all will make it worthwhile. The DNC? Not so much.

(Full transcript of the video is here, for those who would rather read it)

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