FBI Releases Video Of LaVoy Finicum Shooting (Updated)

And guess what? It's nothing like the militants described.

The FBI has decided to release aerial video of the moments leading up to, including, and after one of their agents shot militant LaVoy Finicum, largely in response to the misinformation being spread by the protesters. militants.

As you might recall, Nevada State Senator Michele Fiore and other militants have hailed Finicum as a hero, but the video tells a different story, one far more in line with what we've heard from other sources.

We've clipped the video down to a one-minute clip, encompassing the seconds just before and after Finicum drove the truck into a snowbank where officers had the road blocked. There's no question that he reached into his waistband for his gun (after nearly running another officer down), and even less question about him "being on his knees trying to surrender."

Those video cameras work both ways, militants. Just as we can capture police misconduct on video, so too can we catch militant misconduct on video. From the looks of things, this was a "suicide by cop." No more and no less.

Here's the full video:

UPDATE: The Oregonian has slowed down the video and zoomed it so you can see it closely. To me, it looks like he had his gun out.

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