Fox News' Eric Bolling Begs Trump To Make A Deal To Do Fox News Debate

Poor Eric Bolling. He looked so pathetic pleading with Trump to make a deal to do the debate.

The Five's Eric Bolling implored Donald Trump to make a deal since he's the King of the Deal, so he would participate in Fox News' Thursday night GOP presidential debate.

Talk about being a pathetic, suck up.

ERIC BOLLING (CO-HOST): Donald if you're listening, hopefully he's listening. You are a deal maker, make a deal. Make a last-minute deal. This is what you prided your whole campaign on. You have the most successful business book, "Art Of The Deal." Make a deal. I'm sure there are people around who would be willing to entertain a deal. Make a deal. I would be good for everybody.

DANA PERINO (CO-HOST): Like what would you deal?

BOLLING: I don't know. Figure it out. That's why he is running for president. I'm just opining here.

JUAN WILLIAMS (CO-HOST) You know what? Fox News shouldn't make a deal on this. If you let politicians start telling us what to do, then democracy is in trouble.

BOLLING: You have to make a good deal for Fox too. You don't make a deal that's just good for Donald Trump.

WILLIAMS: No deal is good on journalistic principle.

BOLLING: Do you know what a good deal would be? For the American people to get another look at Donald Trump right before they make some decisions in Iowa and New Hampshire and then down the road.

All networks should not engage in making a deal with Trump, if he pulls this routine at any time.

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