Joe Scarborough Mocks Marco Rubio's Boots

Joe Scarborough can't contain his shock at Marco Rubio's choice of footwear on the campaign trail.

After what Republicans did to John Kerry's choice of winterwear, you'd think Marco Rubio and the rest of the GOP presidential field would be just as wary of their own apparel. Ted Cruz' campaign took aim at Rubio's high fashion boot sense the other day via Twitter:

“A Vote for Marco Rubio Is a Vote for Men’s High-Heeled Booties,” Rick Tyler, Cruz’s communications director, tweeted Tuesday, linking to an article with that headline by New York Magazine’s women’s blog “The Cut."

This came up earlier today on MSNBC's Morning Joe show, and Joe Scarborough made fun of Rubio's choice of footwear, repeatedly making comparisons to One Direction and Austin Powers, baby!

Scarborough: Oh my god look at that! Was that Marco's boots?

Brezinski: No, no, he didn’t do that! He did not wear those.

Scarborough:There's nothing wrong with...if you want to look like Harry Stiles from One Direction.

Geist: It's a look.

Scarborough: Are you kidding me? Did he really wear that on the campaign trail?

Scarborough: We gotta go back to those boots. Stop the presses. I really don' t believe he wore those boots

Scarborough: This is straight out of an Austin Powers movie. This is swing London, 1966.

Geist: He's young, he's cool.

Scarborough: And you're wearing that in New Hampshire? This is Austin Powers, baby. Those boots. They’re shagalicious!

(h/t Mediaite)

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