Kim Davis Will Attend SOTU (Updated)

It's a bit of a mystery as to who invited her.

There will be an interesting mix of people at tonight's State of the Union address.

The Hill is reporting that Kim Davis will be attending as someone's guest, along with her lawyer Mat Staver. It's unclear exactly who invited her, but I'm sure she's looking forward to being at her hateful best.

Jim Obergefell, the lead plaintiff in the gay marriage case, will also be in attendance as a guest of the First Lady.


Davis was already in Washington D.C. on Monday night, where she attended a “State of the Family” address given by the FRC’s president, Tony Perkins. His address, given in the style of a state of the union minus any of the intellectual seriousness or actual power, referred to the marriage decision at SCOTUS as “a devastating principled loss for us all and a very personal loss for Kim Davis.”

Now’s also a good time to recall that Kim Davis essentially won, with Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin issuing an executive order changing marriage license forms so that county clerks’ names no longer appear on them. Perkins mentioned that in his speech, praising her for her courage:

Kim stood up courageously against the power of the state and the ACLU and she, along with religious liberty in Kentucky prevailed! Well done, Kim. We are glad you are with us tonight.

In a way, sure: well done, Kim. Never has anyone successfully engineered their own persecution in such an exceedingly profitable way.

I hope someone will have a camera pointed at her when President Obama gets to the part where he celebrates marriage equality in America during his address so we can see her reaction. Or maybe not.

Update: It looks like Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan is the guy with the golden ticket. Funny part is, he didn't even know he invited her. I wonder how many other things he's done that he didn't know about.

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