Limbaugh Concern Trolls Sanders, Says Hillary Would Kill Him 'By Suicide'
"[Sanders] doesn't want to be the kind of guy that dies by virtue of suicide with two gunshots in his head."
It's not enough for Bernie Sanders to simply be a nice guy who cares more about policy than personal attacks, at least, not to Rush Limbaugh.
Limbaugh is feeling very desperate these days, and particularly hateful toward Hillary Clinton, so what better to do than raise the old lies about Vince Foster? When you've got nothing else, throw some word vomit on the wall and see what sticks.
"You know, not only was Hillary anti-gay marriage, she was anti-gay marriage as recently as 2008 during that campaign, folks," Limbaugh ranted, "Anti-gay marriage. She was also pro-Iraq War. She voted for the Iraq War."
" Now, poor crazy Bernie has tried to make that point. Crazy Bernie just does not make it forcefully enough. Crazy Bernie knows, I mean, he doesn't want to be the kind of guy that dies by virtue of suicide with two gunshots in his head. So he's playing it close to the vest."
Isn't it nice of Rush to worry about a problem that simply doesn't exist? Everyone knows Democrats are trying to reduce guns by suicide, murder, and other acts, anyway. If you're a Rush listener, we're all a bunch of wimps who want to take their guns away.
We need to really push for better mental health services in this country. Rushbo is on his way to a total emotional breakdown over these primaries. It might be sad if it weren't so pathetic.