NRA's Wayne LaPierre Argues Passionately For Universal Background Checks
He was for it, before he was against it. And he's on the Congressional Record.
Before the NRA was convinced Obummer was going to take away everyone's guns and ammo and put them in FEMA camps, then NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre testified before Congress about the importance of universal background checks.
He even called them "reasonable."
"Let's talk about what's reasonable and what's not," LaPierre testified. "We think it's reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show."
He continued, "No loopholes anywhere, for anyone."
That was then. This is now. Today's Wayne LaPierre thinks universal instant criminal background checks for everyone is tyranny!
So much tyranny, in fact, that the NRA will not participate in CNN's town hall with the President tomorrow night. Because Obummer.
"The National Rifle Association sees no reason to participate in a public relations spectacle orchestrated by the White House," NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam told CNN, which is moderating the live town hall Thursday evening in Virginia. The NRA strengthened its comment after initially saying the White House had "organized" the event.
The NRA, the most influential gun rights group in terms of political persuasion and financial contributions, boasts a membership of about five million people.
A CNN spokesperson said that it was the network, not the White House, that proposed the idea of a town hall on guns, and noted the audience would be evenly divided between organizations that support the Second Amendment including NRA members as well as groups that back gun regulation.
Thus ends this day's episode of Right Wing Hypocrisy Theater.