Right Wing Fumes Over Muslim Guests At State Of The Union Address

Gotta keep the fear going!

At least two Muslims have been invited as guests to attend President Obama's State of the Union address. They are also officials of CAIR, which is doing the good work of combating Islamophobia in the United States.

According to The Hill, Reps. Zoe Lofgren and Alcee Hastings have invited the CAIR officials to be their guests. Sameena Usman is Lofgren's guest, and Nezar Hamze will be attending as Hastings' guest.

Unfortunately, the right wing seems to think that means jihad or something. Rush Limbaugh had an aneurysm over it on his radio show today, going crazy over it

"Don't tell me this is not purposely provocative," Limbaugh huffed. "This is not being done to unify anybody. Obama may as well have an illegal immigrant sitting -- well take it back, he is going to have an illegal immigration sitting next to his wife tonight in the form of a Syrian refugee."

Ben Carson went on CNN this morning and called for a full investigation of the invited guests.

"Let's not be giving them access to the ability to further carry on what they call a civilization jihad, and to change us from a Judeo-Christian foundation to a Muslim foundation. We have got to be smarter than that," Carson said.

No one mentioned Kim Davis' attendance at the invitation of a mystery Congressman, however.

Rush Limbaugh at least explained why they're so agitated over this. It's because those dirty Muslims aren't real 'Muricans, don't you know?

"This is to remind you that you've lost," he lamented. "This is to remind you that it isn't your country anymore. This is to remind you and put an exclamation point behind, your country is changing no matter what the hell you think about it."

Change is hard. I understand that. For some, it's really hard to let go of the irrational hate in their hearts and try opening up to the possibility that this country isn't homogenous and it's not a theocracy.

It's kind of cute to watch them cry over it.

Update: Oh, my. Rep. Steve King (R-Wingnut) is leaving his seat in the chamber empty to represent all the aborted babbies. He will be in the chapel praying for someone's soul, perhaps his own.

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