Rubio Clueless About Flint's Water Crisis

Your Republican Party, ladies and gentlemen.

Here's what President Rubio would have to say about the Flint water crisis: It's just not a big enough deal to merit attention.

Asked about it at a campaign stop Monday, Rubio said, "That's not an issue that right now we've been focused on for me to give you a deeply detailed answer on what the right approach should be, other than to tell you that in general I believe the federal government's role in some of these things are largely limited unless it involves a federal jurisdictional issue,"

Translation: I, Marco Rubio, don't really give much of a damn what happens in some poor community in a state where one of my Republican pals is governor.

Also, he hasn't been 'briefed' on it, so how is he supposed to know what to think anyway?

"It's just not an issue we've been quite frankly fully briefed or apprised of in terms of the role the governor has played and the state has played in Michigan on these sorts of issues," he said.

Perhaps when he is briefed, he can open his eyes wide enough to realize that children in Flint have been poisoned with lead in levels we haven't seen in decades.

Via Washington Post

I guess lead poisoning in Flint doesn't rank as high on Rubio's priority list as cuddling his gun in case ISIS invades Florida.

In the meantime, someone make sure his water bottle is nearby.

(h/t ThinkProgress)

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