Wacko Bird Vs Rodeo Clown

Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin have chosen sides in the GOP presidential primaries and it's beginning to look like a gunfight at the O.K. Corral

You gotta love Iowa because it brings out the crazy in the GOP. Now we have a cage match brewing between GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and their celebrity supporters.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is going after Glenn Beck for throwing his support behind GOP primary rival Ted Cruz, calling the conservative activist a “wacko” and a “lost soul.”

“Wacko [Glenn Beck] is a sad answer to the [Sarah Palin] endorsement that Cruz so desperately wanted,” Trump said in a tweet on Thursday. “Glenn is a failing, crying, lost soul!”

Yesterday, Glenn Beck went after Palin saying that the media might have been right about her all along.

“Maybe the press was right about her but for all of the wrong reasons”

Beck said on his radio show today that Trump is a psychopath.

"This is not the first time I've heard" people warn that Trump is a psychopath, Beck declared. "This guy, I believe, is dangerous. I believe he is dangerous."

So far, Sarah's role has been creating word salad conservative poetry slams at President Obama and the GOP establishment:

Tell me, is this conservative? GOP majorities handing over a blank check to fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood and illegal immigration that competes for your jobs, and turning safety nets into hammocks, and all these new Democrat voters that are going to be coming on over border as we keep the borders open, and bequeathing our children millions in new debt, and refusing to fight back for our solvency, and our sovereignty, even though that’s why we elected them and sent them as a majority to DC.

How long before Sarah starts taking real offense to Glenn Beck's attacks? And when does the king of all wacko bird's jump into the fray?

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