When Will Carly Fiorina Apologize To Planned Parenthood?
Since a Houston Grand Jury indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the videographers who infiltrated Planned Parenthood with the intent to smear them, it's time Carly Fiorina apologizes.
Carly Fiorina has used the bogus anti-Planned Parenthood videos to a greater effect than all her GOP presidential candidates. Yes, they have all supported the idea that these videos were real to discredit Planned Parenthood and make themselves appear more likeable to the religious right/evangelical vote, but every time Carly discussed those videos, she became more vicious, more despicable in her attempts to capitalize on them.
Since she used her time on CNN's GOP Presidential debate to propagate the phony tale being told by Daleiden and The Center for Medical Progress, she not only refused to back down on them when questions of their credibility were raised, but doubled down on her vile approach.
"Not at all. That scene absolutely does exist, and that voice saying what I said they were saying — "We're gonna keep it alive to harvest its brain — exists as well," Fiorina said on NBC's "Meet the Press."
And in a testy exchange with host Chuck Todd, Fiorina repeatedly insisted that the practice she described "is happening."
"Planned Parenthood cannot and will not deny this, because it is happening — and taxpayers are paying for it," she said, decrying funding for the women's health organization as a "political slush fund on top of being butchery that Americans…cannot support."
A verdict came down from a grand jury in Houston, Texas yesterday which was investigating Planned Parenthood and came away with a much different decision than Carly could have hoped for.
Not only did they clear Planned Parenthood of any wrongdoings, they indicted David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the creators of the videos for their apparently illegal efforts.
Daleiden and Merritt have both been indicted by the grand jury for Tampering with a Governmental Record, a 2nd degree felony. Daleiden was also indicted for Prohibition of the Purchase and Sale of Human Organs, a misdemeanor.
If convicted on the felony charge, Daleiden and Merritt could face anywhere from 2 to 20 years in prison, as well as financial penalties.
It's time that Carly Fiorina abandons her efforts to smear Planned Parenthood, using bogus videos and apologize for her behavior. There have been many investigations since these videos came to light and Planned Parenthood has been cleared numerous times, but that hasn't stopped Carly. Maybe she should be indicted as a co-conspirator for promoting these apparently illegal efforts?
Trevor Noah did a segment highlighting how Carly used young children as props to attack Planned Parenthood and the bogus videos.
Does the word "shame" mean anything to Fiorina?
It's time, Carly. Roll up your sleeves, apologize for your egregious behavior to Planned Parenthood and find something else you can use to smear your way into the GOP presidential nomination.