Who's The Liar Now, Donald Trump?
It turns out Hillary Clinton was exactly right about terrorist recruiting videos.
After weeks of calling Hillary Clinton a liar because she rightly said terrorist groups would use his words to make recruiting videos, Donald Trump seems to be the one in error. To put it kindly, anyway.
The militant group Al-Shabaab -- Al Qaeda's affiliate in Somalia -- has released a recruitment video featuring GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.
The more-than 51-minute propaganda video comes on the heels of a war of words between Trump and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton over her suggestion that the real estate mogul's controversial remarks about Muslims would be used to recruit jihadis.
The video includes a clip of Trump calling for a "shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the [bleep] is going on," Trump says in the clip. The group bleeps out Trump's use of the word "hell."
Clinton sparked a feud with Trump when she suggested during a debate hosted by ABC News that Trump was being used to recruit new jihadists.
“He is becoming ISIS's best recruiter. They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists," Clinton said during the Democratic debate on Dec. 19.
Those of us who live in reality are unsurprised by this. It is a given that whatever blurts out of Trump's little brain is intended to foment hate, which is something that terrorists use to their advantage.
Republicans do it too. Is there a correlation between terrorism and Republican operatives? You make the call.