Y'All Qaeda May Not Be Finished With Oregon Yet

Another militia leader issues a call to arms.

The good "patriots" serving the Y'all Qaeda brigade are not about to stand down. No siree, they're just beginning.

BJ Soper, leader of the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard, is the latest to call his posse, the Pacific Patriot Network, to converge on Burns, Oregon.

In a Facebook post, Soper calls for all people of Oregon to converge on Burns and "peacefully" force the FBI to leave.

He's also very sorry this will happen in a community that has already been turned on end by the antics of the Bundy Boys:

To the People of Harney County. I am sorry this will happen in your community. But if not now then when? The time is upon us to do our DUTY to protect our liberty and freedoms. There comes a time in all of our lives when we have to stand up and face the bully. The bully is here, it's big and strong but together we will win and show the rest of our Citizens that it can be done. Yes it's scary, and yes it will probably be distracting and uncomfortable. IT HAS TO BE DONE. Nothing worth having comes easy. Nothing. Right now we have an opportunity to make HISTORY right here in Harney County, Oregon. We have the ability to put our collective foot down and start to restore order in this Country. I promise you we will not be alone. Others will follow suit.

There are others who are more able to explain this, but I'm going to offer one explanation more simple than others. These people are attempting, in their own way, to "take their country back" without bothering with an election.

They have been so immersed in hate, and now empowered by the right wing hate defining this election and primary season, that they feel it is now their "right" to act upon that hate.

That's not the American way, but they don't care about that.

Here's an image of Soper's full post:

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