After Cruz Loses, Glenn Beck Ramps Up Hysterical Warnings

Chicken Little is alive and well.

Glenn Beck is going all out for his guy Ted Cruz, even bringing pseudo-historian and full wingnut David Barton to the party to help out.

Their apocalyptic vision of a violent revolution, by the way, will only come to pass if they keep up the eliminationist rhetoric in an effort to pimp a badly-flawed and unlikeable candidate.

Beck, who is currently in the middle of "a fast for Ted Cruz, our country and the Nevada caucus," repeated the warning that he made on his program earlier this month, when he predicted that the election of anyone other than Cruz will result in America descending into revolution within the next decade. Barton agreed, saying that poll results have convinced him that the threat of violent revolution is a very "real thing."

"I want to make sure that you hear this because the media will spin this out of control and they'll make it into another crazy conspiracy theory," Beck said, "but I just want to point out: 1999, I talked about Osama bin Laden in New York and said that their would be blood and bodies in the streets and the signature would be Osama bin Laden and nobody believed me; in 2006 and 2007, I talked to you about the financial crash, a crash of biblical proportions based on the housing market; I told you that there would be a caliphate and everybody mocked that. I'm telling you, we are on the path for revolution and a violent revolution. Right now, we're talking about a velvet revolution, but if we make the wrong choice at this point - and I'll make this case based on the polls and what we're seeing and nobody in the media ... they're going to mock it. Don't mock this warning! Please, don't mock this warning."

Okay, I'll mock it. When Ted Cruz's own campaign operatives tell Politico he's not going to win, I guess Glenn Beck and David Barton are going to hit full meltdown mode after today's Nevada caucuses.

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