After Nevada, GOP Pundit Predicts End Of Republican Party

Amanda Carpenter was pretty depressed about the outcome in Nevada.

Amanda Carpenter is very depressed about the outcome of the Nevada caucuses. So depressed, in fact, that she had some dire predictions for the future.

"How confident are you about Texas, and at this point does it really matter," Anderson Cooper asked.

"I'm really struck in thinking about what a Donald Trump nomination would actually mean," she said. "I really think it's the end of the Republican Party."

She continued, "It's a natural effect. We've watched what's happened by a lot of people who have wanted to save power so badly they didn't listen, didn't listen, didn't listen to the grassroots. They didn't listen in 2010, they didn't listen in 2014 even though we won those midterm elections. Nothing changed."

"And the voters still want change. They are desperate for somebody who will go in and shake up Washington," Carpenter concluded.

A tinge of bitterness entered her voice as she reminisced about the Jeb-Rubio dustups, saying, "So many times the party elders were trying to eat and defeat the party's young, and now we have Donald Trump."

Okay, it was more than a tinge of bitterness.

But let's get real for a second, here. This is the very real function of a Republican Party sending people to Congress with the sole intention of not doing a damned thing while the black guy was in the White House. Yes, people are frustrated, because instead of doing something, all they do is sit around and block progress, making things hard for people instead of improving their lives.

That's the Republican Party doing that. So hey, "party elders," how about you get over yourselves and let some progress shine through instead of this constant obstruction?

I'm not shedding tears for Amanda Carpenter or Marco Rubio or anyone else over this, given the fact that they built this. Every day they refused to sit down and act like adults, they taught their base that they could be spoiled children and throw an eight-year temper tantrum.

Clearly it was more important to de-legitimize the President elected by more popular votes than any of their clowns could ever hope to get rather than actually get about the business of governing.

Oh, and by the way, Republicans? I think we should impeach each and every Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee for their refusal to do their damn job and confirm President Obama's replacement for Justice Scalia.

I know, I know. They want President Trump to do that. Here's my response, accompanied by a middle finger.

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