Ben Carson: Obama Not Real Black President Because He Was Raised White

Ben Carson perpetrates another myth by the Obama haters. This time he's not sufficiently black enough.

Dr. Ben Carson was interviewed by MSNBC host Thomas Roberts from Las Vegas today, and he reiterated the idea that Obama is a phony black man when it comes to race and he's the real deal when it comes to living the "black experience."

Thomas: ...referencing a struggle with your upbringing, in coming up a poor young man in Detroit, poor, and some struggles you came through, you recently talked about President Obama, not having the authentic black experience. Maybe you can be the real first black president. What did you mean by that?

Carson: The fact of the matter is, you know, he did not grow up in—in black America. He grew up in white America. Doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that when a claim is made that he represents the black experience, it’s just not true.

I'm not sure who Carson believes he's going to reach with those words. He's not courting black voters since they don't vote republican. He's looking to nab the angry white voter that are supporting Trump.

I guess Carson lived every day in Obama's shoes and knows how the world related to him and he to the black experience.

What an idiot.

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