Bernie Sanders Hits Political Establishment, Media In Iowa Speech

The story of the night is how this race is transforming Democratic politics.

Bernie Sanders spoke to a very enthusiastic crowd at his headquarters tonight after the Iowa race resulted in a virtual tie with Hillary Clinton. Rather than taking a victory lap, he dove into his campaign themes while taking aim at the establishment and also, the media.

If there was a real loser tonight all around, it was the media, who locks into themes and spin without actually looking at reality. But I digress.

PoliticusUSA has summed Bernie's speech up below:

Sanders said, “As I think about what happened tonight, I think the people of Iowa have sent a very profound message to the political establishment, to the economic establishment, and by the way to the media establishment. And that is given the enormous crisis facing our country, it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics.”

Sanders called out the greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior of Wall Street. He said the American people bailed out Wall Street; now it is time for Wall Street to help the American people. Much of the speech was the standard Sanders talking points and stump speech, but he gave Iowa credit for launching the political revolution.

The Sanders speech was a victory speech. For Bernie Sanders, a tie is a win. This speech was all about Bernie Sanders spreading his message while the entire national media was broadcasting live. Sanders earned the large national platform for his message with an outstanding performance.

Congratulations to the Bernie team on a hard-earned gain in Iowa to a hard-fought draw. That's a major accomplishment for a campaign that was down in that state by 41 points not so long ago.

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