Crazy Pastor Demands Pope Francis Apologize For Remarks About Trump

Robert Jeffress calls himself a "pragmatic Christian."

Really, the arrogance of some of these pastors is amazing, but not at all surprising. Robert Jeffress is one of my favorites, because he's such a hypocrite.

Now he's not just a hypocrite, but also a hypocrite who is demanding Donald Trump receive an apology from Pope Francis for his comments about Trump's Christianity, or lack thereof.

In a radio interview with Sean Hannity on Friday, Jeffress took Pope Francis to task, saying, " I think the Pope needs to ask Donald Trump's forgiveness for making such an outlandish statement."

Oh, really?

Jeffress went on to explain further, saying, "I want to remind our listeners that it was exactly one year ago this week that 21 Coptic Christians' had their heads chopped off by ISIS on a Libyan beach and then ISIS said, 'we are coming to Rome next.' The Pope ought to think through that very seriously."

So let's see if I have this right. For Jeffress, Pope Francis should beg pardon so Trump can save Rome from ISIS?

Jeffress continued, "The Pope is confused between the role of the Church, which is to show compassion, and the role of government, which is to uphold order and to protect its citizens."

Oh, so now he thinks there should be separation between church and state. How convenient.

Just for fun, here's Jeffress explaining why "pragmatic Christians" support Trump.

It should be an explanation of why "hypocritical Christians" support Trump. There. I fixed it for him.

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