With Friends Like This, Who Needs Enemies?
A Ted Cruz campaign operative just went off the reservation...big time.
I'm sure Ted Cruz will be pleased with this assessment of his campaign.
First, we have surrogates ripping him. His surrogates.
"Stop telling us how much you like Trump personally," Iowa radio personality Steve Deace, one of the most visible Cruz surrogates and a man Cruz credited from the stage at his victory party, wrote in a Conservative Review op-ed. "That's typical GOP unity speech, and people don't want typical GOP unity speech. They want their darned country back, which is why they're aligning with the most divisive, craptastic figure ever to attempt to run for president."
"Ted needs to be the crusader against Washington that he is. That's it. Nothing more cute than that," tweeted Amanda Carpenter, a former top aide in Cruz's Senate office who is now a CNN contributor.
Next, we have Erick Erickson hammering him:
"Cruz's messaging is a muddled mess," Erick Erickson, a conservative commentator close to both Cruz and Rubio's campaigns who is neutral between them, wrote Monday. "For about eight months I have said it was Cruz's race to lose. Now I think it is Rubio's race to lose. The race has shifted in Rubio's favor. Republicans want to beat Trump and Rubio is seen by many of them as the likable, electable alternative."
And finally, from his own campaign staff:
"The Cruz campaign has to focus on getting basic campaign techniques right," said a Republican operative who works for the presidential campaign, who asked not to be identified. "I don't think Cruz can win the nomination at this point. I think his campaign is done."
Ouch. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.