Fox News' Charles Gasparino: Bernie Sanders Is A 'Freak To Look At'

Charles Gasparino took a vicious shot at Bernie Sanders appearance on Fox News.

Fox News' Charles Gasparino was vicious in his efforts to smear Bernie Sanders on Cavuto's Your World. As he was discussing the impact Sanders attacks on Clinton's Wall Street ties, he went here.

CHARLES PAYNE (HOST): Do you think they're starting to chip away here a little bit?

CHARLES GASPARINO: As freaky as Bernie Sanders is on so many levels -- I mean, he's a hard-core socialist, raising taxes to 90 percent. He's a freak to look at. His voice is annoying. With all due respect to everybody from Brooklyn out there, his voice is annoying.

I personally enjoy a good Brooklyn accent, even if I'm from Queens. This is really out there even for him. Has Gasparino commented on Ted Cruz' looks, ever? Some people say he looks kinda like a troll.

Has he remarked on Trump's visage of late? How awesome those wavy locks of beautiful hair are?

I don't think so..

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