Judy Woodruff Just Compared Democratic SuperPAC Donors To The Kochs
What the hell kind of question was that?
Did Judy Woodruff get her questions from Glenn Beck tonight?
"Secretary Clinton, your campaign has recently ramped up criticisms of Senator Sanders for attending fundraisers from which he benefitted. But, your financial sector donations appear to come from just two wealthy financiers -- George Soros and Donald Sussman for a total of about 10 million dollars. You have said there's no quid pro quo involved," she said.
Woodruff then got to the question. "But is that also true of the donations that wealthy Republicans give to Republican candidates, contributors including the Koch brothers."
Say what you will about the original set of facts regarding Soros and Sussman. That's not my point in writing this.
How in the living hell do you compare 10 million dollars in donations to a SuperPAC to the billions spent by the Kochs and the Koch network to that, Judy?
What the hell kind of question was that, if not one lifted straight from Glenn Beck's script?