'Maverick' McCain Joins The Echo Chamber On Scalia Replacement
Yes, even John McCain has forgotten Constitution 101.
Honestly, every one of these Republican Senators should be impeached for defying the United States Constitution if they choose to go down this road instead of doing their duty.
Pointing to Senator Chuck Schumer's 2007 statements that any future Bush appointees should be blocked, McCain said he agreed with Senator Schumer on that principle.
Of course, Senator McCain neglected to mention that before President George W. Bush left office, Democratic Senators joined with Republicans to affirm a whole package of federal nominees to the bench.
Here's the lesson for media to learn: Saying something doesn't make it so. A speech to the Constitution Society in 2007 did not actually result in blocked nominees in 2008.
All of this is Republican spin to blow smoke onto the fact that they will, in fact, end up confirming Obama's nominee or pay a steep political price for refusing to do so.