New Polls: Bernie Still Leads Big, Rubio Falls, Trump In Charge

Bernie Sanders still showing strong in New Hampshire, while Rubio may have blunted his own chances there.

After Sen. Marco Rubio got hammered in ABC's New Hampshire GOP Debate, his poll numbers began to slide:

An internal poll conducted on Sunday suggests that Marco Rubio’s fumbled debate performance has damaged his prospects heading into the New Hampshire primary.

The poll, conducted by the pro-John Kasich New Day for America Super PAC, shows Rubio plummeting to fourth place in the primary here, with 10 percent of the vote. Most of the polling conducted in the immediate days before the debate showed Rubio in second place.

Donald Trump holds a wide lead in the survey, receiving 35 percent. He more than doubles runner-up Kasich, who has 15 percent. In third is Jeb Bush, with 13 percent. Behind Rubio in fifth and sixth place, respectively, are Christie and Ted Cruz. Both receive 8 percent.

In a new Monmouth poll, Bernie leads by ten points:

For likely Democratic primary voters, the Monmouth survey found Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders held just a 10-point advantage over rival Hillary Clinton, 52-42 percent -- a slightly closer race than the 53-39 percent results from last month's poll.

Sixty percent of likely voters said they were completely devoted to their candidate choice. Twenty-three percent stated a strong preference but still considered themselves open to a change of heart. Only seven percent had a "slight preference." Ten percent remain undecided.

There still are a lot of undecided, but Hillary has a hill to climb. Trump still leads big, but Bush has climbed the most.

According to a new Monmouth University survey released Sunday, Trump holds a considerable double-digit lead over his opponents, with 30 percent of likely Republican primary voters saying they would vote for the billionaire businessman.

Four candidates trail Trump in a virtual tie for second place: Ohio Gov. John Kasich garnered 14 percent support, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio earned 13 percent, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush also drew 13 percent, and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz had 12 percent support. Most candidates remained unchanged in their numbers from last month's Monmouth survey, except for Bush, who jumped nine points since January.

In a new 7News/UMass Lowell NH Tracking Poll, Bernie leads by 16 points.

The Republicans are the big story...Because we know who's on top, but that's about all we know. The Democratic race is much easier to predict:

Bernie Sanders is now beating Hillary Clinton by 16 points- 56% to 40%, after he lost a point overnight, and she kept what she had.

Undecided is up to 4%, an increase of two points since yesterday. The tracking poll shows Sanders is too far ahead of Clinton for her to catch him by Tuesday.

All she can do now is try to cut the margin her loss.

Although it's possible Hillary can cut into the lead, I think Bernie is a very safe bet to win in New Hampshire.

In this poll, Trump is the big dog and even though Rubio hasn't fallen as far, his much ballyhooed momentum has definitely been blunted since Saturday's debate.

Donald Trump stays in the top spot, with 34%, after dropping two points overnight.

Then, a tie for second--at 13%--after Marco Rubio lost a point, and there was no change in Ted Cruz's support.

John Kasich and Jeb Bush also are now tied, at 10%. Kasich gained one point...While Bush held steady.

In the back of the GOP pack:

Chris Christie gained a point, and is now at 5%; Carly Fiorina stays at four, and Ben Carson is stuck on three.

And look at this number: Nine percent of Republican primary voters are undecided the day before polls open. The tracking poll gives you the picture: Donald Trump, alone on top. Then the cluster of Rubio, Cruz, Kasich, and Bush. All four of them are in the hunt for second and third place. The voters who are still undecided..

Second and third place will be huge as the lower tiered candidates like Kasich, Bush and Christie are fighting for the political lives.

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