Samantha Bee Slams 'Chinless Dildo' Mitch McConnell

Samantha Bee puts it all in context.

Samantha Bee did a fabulous job deconstructing the current hysteria over replacing Justice Antonin Scalia.

"You know, no one loved the Constitution more than Scalia. He would have married it if he could. Then he would have struck down that marriage, because marriage is between a man and a woman," she laughed.

With a picture of Mitch McConnell behind her she said, "Let's just have a Supreme Court vacancy for a year because some chinless dildo wants a justice who will use his gavel to plug up your abortion hole."

Oh, yes, Sam Bee. Preach.

There's more, including a lovely slam on the so-called "Thurmond Rule," and explaining the politics of the presidency.

She even softened her position on Mitch McConnell's dildohood. Or not.

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