Senate GOP Refuses To Hold Hearings For Obama SCOTUS Nominee
Bending to their masters, no doubt.
Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will refuse to consider any nominee to the United States Supreme Court that our current President nominates.
"We believe the American people need to decide who is going to make this appointment rather than a lame duck president," said Majority Whip John Conryn.
When asked if they would start the process after the new president took office or if they would consider doing it in the lame duck session, Cornyn replied "No, after the next president is selected. That way the American pope [sic] have a voice in the process."
Sen. Lindsey Graham said that "there's no use starting a process that's not going to go anywhere and we are going to let the next president decide," when asked why there would be no hearings.
It goes without saying that this simply plays into the obstructionism and shameful pandering to billionaires and extremists which is such a hallmark of Republican politics these days.
They should be careful what they wish for, because they just might get it.
Justice Goodwin Liu, anyone?