Ted Cruz Denies Everything In A Weird Presser Attacking Trump And Rubio

Ted Cruz went on the offensive Wednesday, as he attacked both Trump and Rubio in a weird press conference.

The attacks of Marco Roboto and Donald Trump on Senator Ted Cruz seem to be working, as evidenced by this presser in South Carolina. Much of his talk rambled as if he was a lawyer talking to a jury: he offered up a defense of his record and followed up with attacks on both Trump and the robot.

Cruz is by far the smoothest of liars in the entire field, and he can paint a vivid picture of what he considers to be egregious attacks against him. He explains what robocalls are and attacks Roboto for using them against him, even though he's been caught using every dirty trick in the Lee Atwood playbook.

He then threatened Donald Trump to sue him:

Ted Cruz said he is calling Donald Trump's bluff.

Cruz slammed Marco Rubio and Trump during a dramatic press conference Wednesday that underscored the escalating tension among Republicans ahead of Saturday's South Carolina primary.

But it was his broadside against Trump that sounded like a challenge: Sue me.

"I have to say to Mr. Trump, you have been threatening frivolous lawsuits for your entire adult life," Cruz said at a press conference in South Carolina. "If you want to file a lawsuit challenging this ad, claiming defamation, file the lawsuit."

The dust-up is over an ad Cruz's campaign is airing in South Carolina that paints Trump as supportive of abortion rights -- featuring a 1999 clip in which Trump calls himself "very pro-choice."

Cruz said Wednesday said that Trump's lawyers have sent his campaign a cease and desist letter ordering Cruz's campaign to take down the spot, and the Texas senator is calling the billionaire businessman's bluff.

"But if Donald Trump files the lawsuit that he threatens, that lawsuit will be frivolous," Cruz said.

He even lied about CNN, AGAIN.

I am just loving the entire GOP presidential primary wars.

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