Ted Cruz Now In Open War With Fox News

Ted Cruz was angered because Chris Wallace asked him reality based questions.

Senator Ted Cruz now appears to be pilfering another one of Donald Trump's memes. He's decided to go after Fox News right before they host the next GOP presidential primary debate.

Here's a few tweets that illustrate a war has begun.

Ted Cruz is angry with Chris Wallace for not allowing him to characterize Wallace's questions as Donald Trump oppo research during today's Fox News Sunday appearance.

Cruz insisted that "every accusation" raised by Wallace was "incorrect."

"I appreciate your reading the Donald Trump attack file on that," the Texas senator quipped.

"Oh, come on, sir," the Fox News host interrupted. "Wait a minute, sir. You personally apologized to Ben Carson on a debate stage."

"Chris, don't interrupt me," Cruz ordered.

"You fired your communications director," Wallace continued.

"Chris, don't interrupt me," Cruz repeated.

"Don't say this in an oppo file on our part, sir," Wallace shot back.

"Chris, please don't interrupt me," Cruz tried again.

"Please don't accuse me of something I didn't do," Wallace suggested.

"Let me know when I'm allowed to answer," the candidate grumbled.

"Well, don't accuse me of doing something I didn't do," the Fox News host said. "Two of those things, you apologized for one and you fired your communications director. Don't say this is the oppo file."

I wonder if Cruz will threaten to boycott the next Fox News Republican Presidential Primary Debate on March, 3rd, right after Super Tuesday?

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