ABC News Reporter Asks If 'Democrats Will Riot' If Trump Wins Election (Updated)

Easily the most absurd and insulting question of the day.

This unidentified reporter sitting in the ABC News seat at today's White House press briefing had an interesting, if out there, question for Josh Earnest.

Speaking of Donald Trump's threat that there would be riots if his nomination was to be contested, the reporter asked, "We've seen pockets of violence at several of his events. If (Trump) wins the election in November, is the White House at all concerned, is the President concerned, Democrats could possibly resort to violence or pockets of violence break out?"

It was such an absurd question, but Josh Earnest handled it with aplomb, reiterating that President Obama does not believe Trump would be elected.

Unabashed, the reporter went in for a second try, asking the question again.

"It seems like it's Democrats, too. Like there's a lot of emotions from protesters at his events. Are you guys also calling on those protesters to refrain from violence?"

Earnest assured him that of course the White House is asking everyone to refrain from violence, adding, "There's no political justification, no political dispute among citizens that would justify an act of violence."

What was this reporter attempting to do with that question? Hang the violence Trump encourages and even calls for at his rallies on Democrats?

Jon Karl is bad enough, but if this guy is his understudy, ABC News is really off the rails forever.

Update: The reporter is John Parkinson.

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