Amanda Carpenter To Trump Supporter: 'You Should Be Ashamed' To Spread National Enquirer's Smut!
It didn't take long for a Trump supporter to go into the gutter on TV and demand her CNN colleague respond if he's had an affair with Ted Cruz.
On CNN's At This Hour broadcast earlier today, Kate Bolduan hosted a segment discussing the wives, knife fight between Trump and Cruz and after Amanda Carpenter, a former Cruz staffer went after Donald over his penchant for attacking women. It was the opening Trump supporter Adriana Cohen, was looking for because she instantly demanded that Ted Cruz issue a statement about the National Enquirer "Pervy Ted Cruz Sex scandal" story, and in the same breath demanded that Carpenter, confirm or denounce the story since she's been implicated in it.
Isn't it nice to see Trump supporters acting in the same disgusting manner as the man they support. To say Amanda was unhappy about Cohen's tactics is downplaying her reaction.
Bolduan: Adriana, are you ready for Trump to move on from this feud?
Cohen: Oh, absolutely. I think we should move on. Were I think we should move to is The National Enquirer story that has reported that Ted Cruz allegedly had affairs with at least five mistresses, including you've been named, Amanda...
Bolduan: I'm sorry...(Cohen: You should speak to that) I don't think that's moving on at all, Adriana.Cohen: If we're gonna call Donald Trump's character into question, I would like Ted Cruz to issue a statement, whether or not the National Enquirer story is true, that he has had affairs with many women including, you were named Amanda. Will you denounce this story or will you confirm it?
Bolduan cut in to say that CNN has no views on this reporting of Cohen's NE story allegations.
Carpenter: What's out there is tabloid trash. If someone wants to comment on it the can talk to my lawyer. It is categorically false. And you should be ashamed for spreading this kind of smut! Donald Trump supporter should be held to account for it. And I will not be intimidated.
Cohen: I'm not spreading smut.
Carpenter: I will continue to make my thoughts known about Donald Trump and I am not backing down.
Bolduan stopped the argument and said she might pick it up if CNN has done some actual reporting on the story.
This is a wonderful example of Cokie's Law in practice:
I can't help but be reminded of something I like to call Cokie's Law, after Steve Roberts wife. It comes from the Village maxim, "It doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's out there," which was based upon this quote from Cokie Roberts back in 1999:
"At this point," said Roberts, "it doesn't much matter whether she said it or not because it's become part of the culture. I was at the beauty parlor yesterday and this was all anyone was talking about."