Ben Carson Camp Admits His Presidential Bid Is Over

The Carson campaign is being honest on at least one front.

And the grift goes on.

Dr. Ben Carson's campaign admitted that they have no idea what their pathway to victory is in the 2016 GOP presidential primaries and they have no idea how to accomplish it, but heck, they will pray republican voters will suddenly wake up from the doldrums and at the last second vote for Ben.

Washington Examiner

Ben Carson is staying in the race for the Republican nomination even though his campaign admits that it's not clear at all that Carson has a viable path to victory, and they don't have a plan to win.

"Well, we clearly don't know. We don't have a well defined path to victory," Carson campaign chairman Bob Dees told the Washington Examiner Tuesday in an interview. "But we think the opportunity still exists for people to wake up and that's what we're hoping."

"Thomas Jefferson talked about that. He said that democracy depends on well-informed voters," Dees continued. "He also said that he thought America would go down this path and the people would be manipulated [but] just before it was too late, people would wake up and regain their senses and start doing the right thing. We are hopeful that that occurs, and that along the way, people start doing the right thing."

Carson's constant whine that the media has been lying about him is absurd at this point, but he's got that one note and he'll continue to play it.

Here's what he had to say after getting destroyed on Super Tuesday:

It has been reported that Carson has been offered a chance to run for a Senate seat in Florida if he drops out now.

UPDATE: (Karoli)

It looks like Ben Carson is going to suspend his campaign. Although it hasn't been formally announced, he's expected to do it in a CPAC speech on Friday.

Carson, however, did not formally suspend his campaign. Instead, he said in the statement that has decided to make a speech about his political future on Friday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland, just outside of Washington.

“I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results,” the statement said. “However, this grassroots movement on behalf of ‘We the People’ will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations.”

I expect there is a 501(c)(4) organization being formed right now, with Ben Carson at the head of it. The name will be "Save America For Future Generations," acronym SAFG.

And so as John noted, the grift goes on.

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