Bill O'Reilly Paints Trump As An Authoritarian Avenger

The authoritarian leading the blind. How quaint.

Bill O'Reilly and Fox News have a stunning lack of self-awareness. This is not a news flash, everyone who watches that network for even a few minutes can pick up on this. Tonight's conversation about Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, though. This is one for the ages.

"The reason I think Trump won in Florida is because he comes across as more authoritarian. Not authoritative, authoritarian," O'Reilly said.

"I'm not sure Rubio did anything wrong. It's just that he couldn't overcome the perception that many Republican voters have that you need somebody from the punish the Republican establishment."

Now why would BillO think Republicans want to punish the Republican establishment? Could it be because the Republican establishment promises them the moon and delivers dog piles on a platter? Or maybe it's because Fox News -- perish the thought -- puts these voters inside a cone of stupid and allows them to believe until their hopes are dashed on the shore of reality?

Still, O'Reilly's characterization of Trump as an authoritarian -- a guy who just lost custody of his kids to his ex-wife for being a punishing, brutal abuser -- is maybe one of the most stark illustrations of a lack of self-awareness I've seen in awhile.

In keeping with his own authoritarian streak, Bill fantasized about Trump "taking it to Hillary Clinton."

Speaking of Trump's momentum, BillO opined, "But more importantly, to take it to Hillary Clinton. I think the turning point in this race for Trump was when he attacked both Hillary and Bill Clinton a few months ago when they started the sexist stuff and he just laid them out."

"I think a lot of people saw that and said, 'You know what? This guy can punish as well as win' and in this angry age, voters want a punishment along with a victory," he added.

BURN THE WITCH, O'Reilly style, amirite? Of course! BillO closed by observing, "There are enough Republican voters...who want an avenger and they're going to vote for the avenger no matter what happens."


No authoritarian fantasies there. Nope, just BillO being BillO. And this is why he loves Trump. Authoritarians of a feather and all that.

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