Bobby Jindal Blames Donald Trump On Obama's Intellect

The guy who wrecked Louisiana is saying some words.

The Rhodes Scholar who wrecked Louisiana is saying some words about why Donald Trump is popular with voters, but they don't seem to make much sense. Oxford might want to withdraw the degree they bestowed upon former Louisiana Governor Bobby Piyush Jindal.

According to Jindal, President Obama is just too smart, so voters are rebelling.

“I believe that voters tend to act in open-seat presidential elections to correct for the perceived deficiencies of the incumbent,” argues Jindal, “After seven years of the cool, weak and endlessly nuanced ‘no drama Obama,’ voters are looking for a strong leader who speaks in short, declarative sentences.”

This is your fault, Democrats. If you had elected a red-faced, racist bullying lout as president, then Republicans would be reacting today by rallying around somebody who’s intellectual, humble, and non-abusive, and we’d all be in fine shape. But nooooooo. You had to nominate a wonkish, emotionally controlled law professor, forcing Republicans to turn to an unhinged racist reality-television star in response.

This, from a man whose budget in Louisiana was so clever it's been characterized as little better than a Ponzi scheme.

Louisiana now stands at the brink of economic disaster. Without sharp and painful tax increases in the coming weeks, the government will cease to offer many of its vital services, including education opportunities and certain programs for the needy. A few universities will shut down and declare bankruptcy. Graduations will be canceled. Students will lose scholarships. Select hospitals will close. Patients will lose funding for treatment of disabilities. Some reports of child abuse will go uninvestigated.

“Doomsday,” said Marketa Garner Walters, the head of Louisiana’s Department of Children & Family Services. If the state can’t raise any new revenue, her agency’s budget, like several others, will be slashed 60 percent.

“At that level,” she said in an interview, “the agency is unsustainable.”

What a disgrace.

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