CNN's Don Lemon Rebukes Trump Spox For Trying To Control Heidi Cruz Narrative

Don Lemon refused to let Katrina Pierson get away with saying Heidi Cruz hasn't been attacked by Trump.

Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson, who was recently implicated in the "Pervy Ted" National Enquirer story, duked it out with CNN's Don Lemon, who was subbing in a New Day, because the media isn't covering the "wives fight" between Cruz and Trump the way she would like.

She somehow believes that Heidi Cruz was never attacked by her boss.

"There has only been one wife, attacked this cycle and that is Melania Trump." And a little later she said, "There is no such thing as an attack on Heidi Cruz, I have yet to hear the attack on Heidi Cruz."

Lemon was incredulous after she tried to make believe, Donald Trump retweeting an attack picture against Heidi Cruz' looks to his 7 million twitter followers is nothing at all.

Lemon said, you didn't see the retweet that Donald Trump did, you don't...


You don't think that that is an attack?

No, that is not an attack. No!

Then what would you call that then? (crosstalk) Hold on, Katrina. Don't say that is supporting his wife because you don't need Heidi Cruz in that picture to support his wife.

Of course not, Mr. Trump didn't make the picture. He retweeted a tweet because he believes that his wife is beautiful just the way that she is. And since when did it become okay to attack a woman? What is the policy here? Is it okay to attack a woman, malign her character and impugn her dignity just because she's beautiful?

Pierson kept changing the focus to the attack on Melania Trump and questioned CNN for probably not even running the story. Lemon explained that CNN has been running all these stories for months and he told her that she was being "very disingenuous about this."

She replied, "it's not disingenuous" Because the headlines for a week have been about attacking Heidi Cruz!"

Pierson kept going, "You’ve been talking about it, but in the wrong context!"

The CNN anchor replied the network has interviewed Melania Trump and reports on "every single tweet, every single scandal, every single thing that happens not only with Melania Trump and with Heidi Cruz but with all the other candidates, so you’re being very disingenuous by saying we’re not covering it."

"No, you are covering it, no, you’re covering it, it’s just in the wrong context," Pierson tried to clarify.

"It’s in the context that you want us to cover it, that doesn’t mean it’s in the wrong context," Lemon fired back.

"It’s a fact. I mean, these are facts, Don,” Pierson said.

"Facts are facts," Lemon agreed.

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