Donald Trump: Our Soldiers Are Afraid To Fight Because Of The Geneva Conventions
Donald Trump believes he can get some changes made to the geneva conventions so we can torture at will.
Donald Trump, the cutthroat of our time, complains that the reason he can't bring back the guillotine is because of the Geneva Conventions. It's those damn pesky restrictions that are getting in the way of his torture plans.
Trump complained to his supporters at an Appleton, WI., rally, "the bigger the weapon they get, the faster they will use it."
That's why it's not a great idea to increase the amount of nuclear materials in the world, Mr. Trump. Telling Japan and South Korea to nuke up is not the way to go.
Then, as usual, he just made sh*t up about our soldiers being afraid to fight because of the Geneva conventions. Is he calling them cowards after over a decade of constant battles?
“The problem is we have the Geneva Conventions, all sorts of rules and regulations, so the soldiers are afraid to fight,” Trump said at an afternoon town hall during remarks on torture.
“We can’t waterboard, but they can chop off heads,” Trump said, referring to the United States and the Islamic State, respectively. “I think we’ve got to make some changes, some adjustments.”
Let's see him try to get the 196 countries that have signed on to make a few adjustments to the agreement.