Fairy Tales, NRA-Style: 'What A Big Gun You Have!'

First they corrupt government, then they corrupt children.

It's not bad enough that the NRA corrupts government. Now they're working on corrupting children with a new series of coloring books available online at NRAFamily.com.

The story opens with their family bemoaning their lack of food and deviates from the classic text with the lines: “Fortunately, they had been taught how safely to use a gun and had been hunting with their parents most of their lives. They knew that, deep in the forest, there were areas that had never been hunted where they may be able to hunt for food. They knew how to keep themselves safe should they find themselves in trouble.”

Not falling foul of the witch in her gingerbread cottage themselves, they instead find some other children held prisoner: “The boys directed Hansel to the key that would unlock their cage while Gretel stood at the ready with her firearm just in case, for she was a better shot than her brother.”

Not only is this perverse and twisted, it's dangerous. Really dangerous. Every day, David Waldman of Daily Kos posts stories about children being killed or maimed -- or killing and maiming playmates and siblings -- because they picked up a gun and played with it. Stories like this don't warn kids away from guns, they encourage them.

It's the equivalent of brainwashing and it's just wrong.

(h/t Dasani_01 on Twitter)

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